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Are Remote Employees Covered Under Workers' Compensation?

man sitting on the floor in front of his couch, typing on a computer, medium size dog is resting head on man's shoulder

Working From Home and Workers’ Compensation

As the world moves into a new phase where millions of employees are staying in their remote offices, many are questioning how similar these new environments may be to their typical office or cubicle — especially when it comes to workers’ compensation.

Illinois law requires that workers’ compensation insurance be provided for any company that has employees “hired, injured, or whose employment is localized in Illinois,” a coverage that accounts for about 91% of workers in the state. However, the government website does not specify how this may change when the vast majority of employees are at home. But what do insurance companies say?

Are Remote Employees Covered?

In most cases, remote employees are covered by workers’ compensation as injuries can still result directly from your work tasks. The frequency at which these claims may occur, however, could likely decrease since employees are now in control of their own environment.

Which Injuries Are Common for Remote Workers?

Similar to your standard office job, a remote worker may experience injuries related to defective products. With multiple monitors and every outlet being used, this new workspace may also be a fire hazard for those who aren’t careful.

Along with this, employees should take extra care when setting up their workspace to avoid any trip and fall hazards. Loose wires and equipment on the floor may also contribute to this the same way it would in any office setting.

Filing Your WFH Workers’ Comp Claim

The process of filing your workers’ compensation claim for an accident in your home may be a trickier process, but the team at Turner Law Group wants to ensure that you will be protected no matter what your office looks like. If you are seeking representation for your workers’ compensation claim, call (800) 653-0198 or fill out the form on our website to schedule a consultation.
